domingo, 17 de junio de 2007

the use of the voice

The use of the voice in the management of teaching consist in considering some major factors, such as.

Teachers must be sure that the students to the back of the classroom can hear them just as well as those at the front.


It is important for teachers to vary the quality of their voices – and the volume they speak at, depending on the type of lesson or activity that they are giving.


Teachers have to take great care of their voices
•It is important that they breathe correctly.
•They should also vary their voices throughout the day.
•They should take into consideration the environment and the acoustics

Tips for using the voice

•Too make your voice louder instead of pushing from the throat, use good breath support and never raise the pitch.
•Develop an interesting tonal range.
•Use a slightly harder tone
•Open your mouth wide enough to be heard.
•Remember your role model speaker.

Tips for conserving the voice:

•Drink room temperature water as often as you can to keep your voice organ hydrated. .
•Stand up straight and look forward so that you don't have to strain the voice from an awkward position
•Rest your voice whenever possible - for instance use non-verbal signs to pupils wherever you can to reduce the use of your voice.
•Vary the speed and tone of your speech

6 comentarios:

Nahir dijo...

Very important tips, Mary Ann!

What's your new perspective regarding this topic? Could you see any difference between your previous experience with your voice and what you have learned?


rotistyle6 dijo...

Hi teach,
I think this topic is very important. Also, it should be a topic included in teaching. It should not be only a material of extension but an obligated one. Most people think that this topic is for people who don't have an appropriate vocie but I think it should be for every one, because at sometime we tent to misues the voice. As most people know I have a problem with the projection of my voice. I had gone to the doctor and he gave me some instruction to help me with it, so this investigation has made me more aware of the need, there is to protect and care for this precious tool that God has given me called voice. So every day I am trying to use the information that I have got and hope that my clasemates take heed too.

Illya dijo...

Hi Mary Ann
I'm a teacher from Switzerland and was directed here by Nahir. This is certainly a topic that could be stressed more often in teaching. Another point I would stress, especially when teaching youths and children is that the voice should not be used adapted to the noise level of the class, rather the pupils should have to listen quietly when you have something to say.
Keep blogging :-)

rotistyle6 dijo...

Hi Illya,
I am flattered to recieve mail from an international blugger. I also agree with you that the voice should not have to be adapted, the youths must learnt to pay attention and the voice should not have to compete with other distactions. I would like it very much if you keep on blogging now and again to share some of your experiences and advices.bye keep in touch.

Patty dijo...

Hi Mary,
I'm pleased that you had the opportunity to work on the use of the voice as well as I did. In fact, there are certain details that you don't have in your presentation that I do have in mine and the other way round. So, I can say that you pres enriches mine as mine enriches yours, since we studied this element of Classroom Management in different ways. It is highly important for teachers and teacher trainees to take into account the use and abuse of the voice due to the serious problems we might develop in the long run, such as cancer!!! Maybe in the future, we should try to conduct a presentation at the IPC in order to raise awarness among the IPC community for the taking care of the voice, since every single student requires the voice for the performance of his/her career.

Have my kisses

rotistyle6 dijo...

I agree with you because when we talk about speaking louder they think that is screaming. But a lot of us needs to learn to project the voice. Even, those who have a good tone of voice must learn not to misue it.